Plan K
– KPMG’s
business strategy

Karel Růžička
Partner in charge of CSR
„Adhering to a sustainable business strategy makes sense and we have to admit that we are doing it also because it benefits our firm in many ways. We aim to build on ethic and transparent behaviour as we ourselves want to do business in a pleasant and cultured environment. Our services should reflect this desire and the need to help others work towards doing responsible business. In addition, we try to lead non-profit organisations and social businesses towards more effective management and support responsible and sustainable entrepreneurship among younger generations. Our expert volunteers help the non-profits, but at the same time, perceive the organisations as unique and valued tools for their personal and professional development. We motivate and support our employees to offer any kind of assistance to non-profit organisations. At the same time, we try to minimise both our carbon foot print and our activities’ impact on the environment.
Social responsibility events and activities have thus become a firmly ingrained aspect of employee life in all our departments. We are delighted that our employees and their engagement have been repeatedly recognised; recently, we placed first in the Most Involved Employees category as part of the Top Responsible Firm awards; our attitude towards social responsibility and sustainability was also recognised in the overall strategy and most socially beneficial categories. These awards only serve to strengthen our commitment to continue to work on our development in the social responsibility area, thereby contribution to the further advancement of Czech society.“
Our vision
We want to maintain the long-term sustainability of our business by cultivating the entrepreneurial environment in the Czech Republic and by reacting to other significant risk factors.
We analyse the impact of our business activities on society, the economy, and the environment. We discuss these effects with our stakeholders, covering identified key areas in our social responsibility and sustainability strategy. We aim to adhere to our strategy for 2016 to 2020, which we have titled our Plan K. Plan K is founded on the following key elements.
We help with what we do best
- With our expert knowledge and competence, we contribute to the advancement of society.
- We utilise our expert knowledge to promote responsible and social entrepreneurship among younger generations. We help non-profit organisations and social businesses make their activities more effective and gain more time and space for their important charitable work.
Ethics and transparency
- We lead by example and support market transparency and ethical behaviour with all means available to us.
- We openly communicate with all of our stakeholders.
- We focus on quality, as for us it is not an abstract concept but instead the result of procedures, processes, and integrity that we apply when providing services to clients.
- With its ethical character, our business contributes to a significant increase in the transparency of the Czech entrepreneurial environment.
Employee care
- Our employees are essential to us.
- We take care of them by assisting them in their personal development and endeavouring to create an inspiring working environment, also through activities focusing on sustainable development.
Responsible operations
- We incorporate responsibility principles into all our operative functions.
- Social businesses and non-profit organisations are integral parts of our supply chain.
- We aim to function in an environmentally sound manner.
- Due to its nature, the ecological impact of our business is relatively low. We nevertheless keep track of our carbon foot print and strive towards its reduction.

Sustainable development goals
On a global level, for 2015 to 2030, seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) representing the programme’s key tasks, were set by the United Nations General Assembly. The SDGs were drawn up in a cooperative effort by representatives of the UN member states, non-profit organisations, from the private sector, academia, and the general public. The SDGs are a call for action and aim to remind us that we should not forget to protect our planet on our path towards continuing prosperity. Efforts to eradicate poverty have to go hand in hand with strategies supporting economic growth and also dealing with a number of vital social needs, including education, health care, social security, and increased employment opportunities. These strategies should also take into account climate change and environmental protection.
SDG 4: Quality education „Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all," is not just one of the goals but a key factor for all 17 of them. Education and lifelong learning represent a ticket out of poverty and towards success, and help fortify society against instability and inequality. We feel that SDG 4 is the area to which we as a knowledge- and skill-based organisation can contribute the most. With the help of our internal and external programmes we can contribute to the development of education and literacy in Czech society and deepen the knowledge and skills of our employees, all the while contributing to the gradual fulfilment of other sustainment goals.

Corporate social responsibility awards
We are proud to report that for several years in a row as well as in the past year, our social responsibility and sustainability activity has been awarded a Gold certificate in the independent TOP Responsible Firm rating organised by the Business for Society Alliance. We are pleased that our approach towards sustainable entrepreneurship continues to be honoured in this way. What’s even more encouraging is the recognition proffered to the engagement displayed by our employees, who in the past year again received a Gold certificate and were awarded first place in the Most Involved Employees category. Every new award increases our commitment to continue to develop and to help others with what we do best.

Stakeholders’ dialogue
We actively look for dialogue opportunities with our stakeholders on the impacts of our business on society, the economy, and the environment. We are in continuous contact with the individual groups and closely cooperate with them on a number of topics crucial for sustainable entrepreneurship.
We actively communicate with our stakeholders, among them:
- We conduct regular client satisfaction surveys, have personal client meetings, organise expert conferences and other events for them where we can discuss our cooperation.
- We actively communicate through our website and social networks.
- We prepare regular information materials about events in our firm and the services we offer.
- We actively cooperate with the media; our experts are often featured in its outlets.
- Our clients put heightened emphasis on the following responsible business topics: ethics and transparency, risk management and services quality (confidentiality of information, independence), education and training.
- Personal meetings
- Expert conferences and other events
- Web sites
- Social networks
- Newsletters
- Media
- Surveys and studies
Crucial topics
- Ethics and transparency
- Education and training
- Quality of services and risk Management
- We are continuously in touch with our employees via internal communication channels, employee events and training courses at work.
- Through the annual Global People Survey (GPS), we survey employee satisfaction and their opinions and needs.
- Within the MyPD (My Performance Development) programme, regular performance reviews aimed at work performance and personal development take place.
- We also meet in project groups and have group meetings involving entire departments.
- Echo, our in-house magazine is now online and regularly informs employees about important management decisions, the firm’s results, interesting projects, engagements, and wins. Echo also lets our staff know about social events we are planning or that have taken place, and about sports events in which colleagues have participated.
- The firm’s intranet is also an important communication tool.
- Important topics include education and training, employee care, the working environment, diversity and our local communities.
- GPS (Global People Survey) – annual employee satisfaction survey
- MyPD – regular performance reviews
- Project groups
- Group meetings
- Internal online platform Echo
- Social events
- Sports groups
- Intranet
Crucial topics
- Education and training
- Employee care
- Working environment
- Diversity
- Local communities
- Ethics and transparency
- We meet people interested in working for our firm by participating in all major job fairs. One of them is Big4Day, a job fair organised jointly with other Big 4 advisory firms.
- We actively communicate with our colleagues-to-be via social networks and our web pages.
- A crucial source of information and comments allowing us to enhance our services is the feedback we get from questionnaires.
- The most popular topics among potential employees and students include education and training, career growth, working environment, and diversity.
- Job fairs
- Big4 Day
- Social networks
- Web sites
- Blog
- Feedback questionnaires
Crucial topics
- Education and training
- Employee care
- Working environment
- Diversity
- We try to keep in touch with our former employees to stay abreast on their career development once they embark on a different path.
- We prepare information materials for them on a regular basis and communicate with them via social networks and our website. We also meet them in person, e.g. at regular alumni events.
- Our former employees most often highlight the following CSR topics: ethics, transparency, and care for local communities.
- Newsletter
- Regular Osobní setkání
- Web sites
- Social networks
Crucial topics
- Networking
- Local communities
- Through our corporate communication, we have established an ongoing dialogue with the media, including prominent Czech periodicals, and other stakeholders.
- Together we discuss our policies, services and visions, and inform them about our results and respond to their queries.
- Regular meetings
- Expert conferences and other events
Crucial topics
- Ethics and transparency
- Quality of services and risk management
- Through our corporate communication, we have established an ongoing dialogue with the media, including prominent Czech periodicals, and other stakeholders.
- Together we discuss our policies, services and visions, and inform them about our results and respond to their queries.
- We issue press releases, expert articles and commentaries, and organise press conferences and personal meetings with media representatives.
- CSR topics most often covered are ethics and transparency, risk management and service quality, local communities.
- Press releases, commentaries
- Press conferences
- Expert articles
- Personal gatherings
- Web sites
- Social networks
- Media
Crucial topics
- Ethics and transparency
- Quality of services and risk management
- Local communities
- Ecological footprint
- Local communities
- We personally meet with non-profit organisation representatives through the organisation of professional and educational events.
- In our discussions about our CSR business, non-profit representatives most frequently ask us about help for local communities, ethics, and transparency.
- Social gatherings
- Feedback questionnaires
- Professional events
- Web sites
Crucial topics
- Local communities
- Ethics and transparency
- We meet regularly during business meetings.
- Our common topics are ethics and transparency, and the quality and scope of provided services.
- Business meetings
- Supplier screenings
Crucial topics
- Ethics and transparency
After assessing the impact of our business on individual stakeholders and the effect these groups have on our business, we have identified clients, employees and partners, regulatory and professional organisations potential employees and students as our priority stakeholders.
Based on discussions with our priority stakeholders, we identified the following key topics that we intend to focus on as part of our Plan K and that we will continue to report on: